Package: ReIns 1.0.15

Tom Reynkens

ReIns: Functions from "Reinsurance: Actuarial and Statistical Aspects"

Functions from the book "Reinsurance: Actuarial and Statistical Aspects" (2017) by Hansjoerg Albrecher, Jan Beirlant and Jef Teugels <>.

Authors:Tom Reynkens [aut, cre], Roel Verbelen [aut], Anastasios Bardoutsos [ctb], Dries Cornilly [ctb], Yuri Goegebeur [ctb], Klaus Herrmann [ctb]

ReIns.pdf |ReIns.html
ReIns/json (API)

# Install 'ReIns' in R:
install.packages('ReIns', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

Uses libs:
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3
  • norwegianfire - Norwegian fire insurance data
  • secura - Secura dataset
  • soa - SOA Group Medical Insurance Large Claims Database



6.31 score 22 stars 186 scripts 494 downloads 174 exports 8 dependencies

Last updated 3 months agofrom:ab7986e147. Checks:11 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 29 2025
R-4.5-win-x86_64OKJan 29 2025
R-4.5-mac-x86_64OKJan 29 2025
R-4.5-mac-aarch64OKJan 29 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64OKJan 29 2025
R-4.4-win-x86_64OKJan 29 2025
R-4.4-mac-x86_64OKJan 29 2025
R-4.4-mac-aarch64OKJan 29 2025
R-4.3-win-x86_64OKJan 29 2025
R-4.3-mac-x86_64OKJan 29 2025
R-4.3-mac-aarch64OKJan 29 2025



Using the ReIns package

Rendered fromReIns.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 29 2025.

Last update: 2017-06-10
Started: 2015-08-20

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
The Burr distributiondburr pburr qburr rburr
EPD estimator for right censored datacEPD
Exponential quantile plot for right censored datacExpQQ
Generalised Hill estimator for right censored datacgenHill
GPD-ML estimator for right censored datacGPDmle cPOT
Hill estimator for right censored datacHill
Log-normal quantile plot for right censored datacLognormalQQ
MOM estimator for right censored datacMoment
Pareto quantile plot for right censored datacParetoQQ
Estimator of small exceedance probabilities and large return periods using censored HillcProb cReturn
Estimator of small exceedance probabilities and large return periods using censored EPDcProbEPD cReturnEPD
Estimator of small exceedance probabilities and large return periods using censored generalised HillcProbGH cReturnGH
Estimator of small exceedance probabilities and large return periods using censored GPD-MLEcProbGPD cReturnGPD
Estimator of small exceedance probabilities and large return periods using censored MOMcProbMOM cReturnMOM
Estimator of large quantiles using censored HillcQuant
Estimator of large quantiles using censored HillcQuantGH
Estimator of large quantiles using censored GPD-MLEcQuantGPD
Estimator of large quantiles using censored MOMcQuantMOM
Hill-type estimator for the conditional EVIcrHill
Conditional Pareto quantile plot for right censored datacrParetoQQ
Non-parametric estimator of conditional survival functioncrSurv
Conditional Tail ExpectationCTE ES
Weibull quantile plot for right censored datacWeibullQQ
EPD estimatorEPD
Fit EPD using MLEEPDfit
EVT fitEVTfit
Estimates for excess-loss premiums using EPD estimatesExcessEPD
Estimates for excess-loss premiums using GPD-MLE estimatesExcessGPD
Estimates for excess-loss premiums using a Pareto modelExcessHill ExcessPareto
Estimates for excess-loss premiums using splicingExcessSplice
Exponential quantile plotExpQQ
The Extended Pareto Distributiondepd pepd qepd repd
The Frechet distributiondfrechet pfrechet qfrechet rfrechet
Generalised Hill estimatorgenHill
Generalised quantile plotgeneralizedQQ genQQ
The generalised Pareto distributiondgpd pgpd qgpd rgpd
Fit GPD using MLEGPDfit
GPD-ML estimatorGPDmle POT
GPD residual plotGPDresiduals
Hill estimatorHill
Bias-reduced MLE (Quantile view)Hill.2oQV
Select optimal threshold for Hill estimatorHill.kopt
Hill estimator for interval censored dataicHill
Pareto quantile plot for interval censored dataicParetoQQ
Kaplan-Meier estimatorKaplanMeier
Log-normal quantile plotLognormalQQ
Derivative plot of the log-normal QQ-plotLognormalQQ_der
Least Squares tail estimatorLStail TSfraction
Mean excess functionMeanExcess
Mean excess function using Turnbull estimatorMeanExcess_TB
Mixed Erlang fitMEfit
Moment estimatorMoment
Norwegian fire insurance datanorwegianfire
The Pareto distributiondpareto ppareto qpareto rpareto
Pareto quantile plotParetoQQ
Derivative plot of the Pareto QQ-plotParetoQQ_der
Classical estimators for the CDFpClas
Edgeworth approximationpEdge
Gram-Charlier approximationpGC
Weissman estimator of small exceedance probabilities and large return periodsProb Return Weissman.p Weissman.r
Estimator of small exceedance probabilities and large return periods using EPDProbEPD ReturnEPD
Estimator of small exceedance probabilities and large return periods using generalised HillProbGH ReturnGH
Estimator of small exceedance probabilities and large return periods using GPD-MLEProbGPD ReturnGPD
Estimator of small exceedance probabilities and large return periods using MOMProbMOM ReturnMOM
Estimator of small tail probability in regressionProbReg
Weissman estimator of extreme quantilesQuant Weissman.q
Second order refined Weissman estimator of extreme quantiles (QV)Quant.2oQV Weissman.q.2oQV
Estimator of extreme quantiles using generalised HillQuantGH
Estimator of extreme quantiles using GPD-MLEQuantGPD
Estimator of extreme quantiles using MOMQuantMOM
Estimator of extreme quantiles in regressionQuantReg
Scale estimatorScale
Bias-reduced scale estimator using second order Hill estimatorScale.2o
Bias-reduced scale estimator using EPD estimatorScaleEPD
Scale estimator in regressionScaleReg
Secura datasetsecura
SOA Group Medical Insurance Large Claims Databasesoa
Spliced distributiondSplice pSplice qSplice rSplice
Plot of fitted and empirical survival functionSpliceECDF
Splicing fitSpliceFit
Splicing of mixed Erlang and GPD using POT-MLESpliceFitGPD
Splicing of mixed Erlang and Pareto for interval censored dataSpliceFiticPareto
Splicing of mixed Erlang and ParetoSpliceFitHill SpliceFitPareto
LL-plot with fitted and empirical survival functionSpliceLL
LL-plot with fitted and Turnbull survival functionSpliceLL_TB
PP-plot with fitted and empirical survival functionSplicePP
PP-plot with fitted and Turnbull survival functionSplicePP_TB
Splicing quantile plotSpliceQQ
Splicing quantile plot using Turnbull estimatorSpliceQQ_TB
Plot of fitted and Turnbull survival functionSpliceTB
Non-parametric estimators of the STDFstdf stdf2
The truncated Burr distributiondtburr ptburr qtburr rtburr
The truncated exponential distributiondtexp ptexp qtexp rtexp
The truncated Frechet distributiondtfrechet ptfrechet qtfrechet rtfrechet
The truncated generalised Pareto distributiondtgpd ptgpd qtgpd rtgpd
The truncated log-normal distributiondtlnorm ptlnorm qtlnorm rtlnorm
The truncated Pareto distributiondtpareto ptpareto qtpareto rtpareto
Truncation oddstrDT
Truncation oddstrDTMLE
Estimator of endpointtrEndpoint
Estimator of endpointtrEndpointMLE
Hill estimator for upper truncated datatrHill
MLE estimator for upper truncated datatrMLE
Truncated Pareto quantile plottrParetoQQ
Estimator of small exceedance probabilities using truncated HilltrProb
Estimator of small exceedance probabilities using truncated MLEtrProbMLE
Estimator of large quantiles using truncated HilltrQuant trQuantW
Estimator of large quantiles using truncated MLEtrQuantMLE
Test for truncated Pareto-type tailstrTest
Test for truncated GPD tailstrTestMLE
Turnbull estimatorTurnbull
The truncated Weibull distributiondtweibull ptweibull qtweibull rtweibull
VaR of splicing fitVaR
Weibull quantile plotWeibullQQ
Derivative plot of the Weibull QQ-plotWeibullQQ_der